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Junior dos Santos fulfills the dream of a poor 9-year-old Brazilian boy by taking him to UFC 146

Opulence surrounds Junior dos Santos in his suite on a top floor of the largest casino in the gambling capital of the world. His luxurious digs at the MGM Grand are symbolic of the startling transformation he's made in his life.

Breno family UFC(YAHOO SPORTS - by Kevin Iole) LAS VEGAS – Opulence surrounds Junior dos Santos in his suite on a top floor of the largest casino in the gambling capital of the world. His luxurious digs at the MGM Grand are symbolic of the startling transformation he's made in his life.

The UFC heavyweight champion grew up in humble circumstances in Cacador, a small town in southern Brazil, unaware of the riches that lay beyond the city's limits.

Breno Ferreira (foreground) with brother Pedro Gabriel and mother Simone enjoy Las Vegas. (UFC)
Now, more than a decade later, another poor Brazilian child has left his destitute surroundings for the bright lights of Las Vegas. Nine-year-old Breno Luis Ferreira de Carvalho arrived at McCarran International Airport on Wednesday with his mother, Simone, and his older brother, Pedro Gabriel, and checked into his own room at the MGM.

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